Most highly successful people that I talk to are far more concerned about wasting time than they are about wasting money. As the old adage goes, you can always make another dollar, but you can never make another minute.
It’s not just the high achievers. Anybody who has had to confront the end of a relationship, unmet goals, or an unexpected career change has probably wrestled with feeling like they wasted days, months, or years of their life.
When you feel the frustration of wasted time, here is a meditation to consider:
There’s no such thing as wasted time. Time is always present to each of us. It’s just a question of whether or not we are calm enough to notice.
There’s no such thing as wasted time. Only a difficulty being present right now.
There’s no such thing as wasted time. Only a preference not to repeat certain activities.
There’s no such thing as wasted time. Only a failure to appreciate what we spend our time on.
When you don’t get what you want, what you get is character. But only if you have the courage to invite it in.
There’s no such thing as wasted time. Only character waiting to be revealed.